Luke is now a frequent writer for the local Kamloops Self-Advocacy Newsletter.

Luke was approached by his employment coach Brittney of Smart Options to consider writing short poems and stories for the local Kamloops Self-Advocacy Newsletter run by Krystian Shaw.
Luke was honoured to become published again, and have a larger audience for his creative writing. He submitted his “Underestimated No More” story and his poem “I Can Hear” to the April Newsletter, and more recently, he wrote a poem about the newsletter’s theme of “Spring” for the May Newsletter. All were published and can be found on the KSA news website.
I Can Hear (Luke’s first poem)
Here is his May poem:
Welcome Old Friend
Tides of March roll in
on a warm breeze.
Days longer, warmer, brighter
I breathe it in
Graced by the first blooms.
The buzz of birds and butterflies
I feel alive.
Welcome spring.
I’ve missed you.
—Luke Verhoeff