Luke. What can I say? As a minimal speaker, my beautiful son has been living within himself for the past 19 years.
He’s been a perfect son in every way, but it’s been difficult not knowing his needs and desires and wondering if we were doing all we could for him. Believe me, Sandra has researched many different therapies and he’s tried them all.
Recently, after Sandra and Luke have spent two years of honing his skills at spelling, Luke has made his true self known to us. Thank you to the practitioners who have worked with Luke and “opened” a new world for him!
He is intelligent, caring, and quite dry-witted! It’s truly amazing to see my son transform into an amazing adult. He has taken on a mission of paving new paths for other spellers, and we will do all we can to assist him.
I look forward to watching him progress in his communication-through-spelling and I can’t wait to know him better.
—Dave (Dad)